Do we use cookies?

The website may use cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct operation and display of the website. The cookies used on the website are, in any case, temporary and do not involve the processing of personal data, with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient, and may be kept in order to know the user's preferences and to send you information related to the content of your interest. Whenever you use our online services, they may use cookies and other technological tracking tools in various ways, to analyze traffic or for advertising purposes. These technologies are used both directly by us and by our collaborating companies.

This website may use three types of cookies:

-Session cookies: Those used to store data of the user who accesses a web page (operating system, browser type, language), to facilitate navigation.

-Technical Cookies: These allow you to use security elements during browsing, control traffic and data communication, identify the session and access restricted access parts, among other functions.

-Analytical Cookies: These allow you to know the number of pages visited, sessions visited, browsing time, IP address and domains from which access is made. (This site does not use third-party services for these functions) The information stored is used to know the frequency of visits and preferences in reference to the content of the pages visited, etc. If you do not wish to allow the installation of cookies on your computer, you must configure your browser to this effect. To configure your browser to accept or reject, by default, all cookies, or to receive a notice on the screen of the reception of each cookie and decide, at that time, whether or not to install it on your hard drive, we suggest the help section of your browser, to find out how to change the configuration you currently use.

In addition, you have obtained the following links regarding blocking or disabling cookies in different browsers: Information about Firefox: guardan-es– Information about Explorer: Information about Safari: .com/kb/ph5042 Information about Opera: Information about Google: .py?hl=es&answer=95647 IP addresses: the website servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in an activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain purely statistical measurements that allow us to know the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to the web services, the order of visits, the access point, etc. For how long will we keep your personal data?

The personal data will be kept as long as you remain linked to us.

Once you are no longer linked, the personal data processed for each purpose will be kept for the legally established periods, including the period in which a judge or court may require them in accordance with the statute of limitations for legal actions.

The data processed will be kept as long as the legal periods mentioned above do not expire, if there is a legal obligation to maintain them, or if there is no such legal period, they will be stored in our files until the interested party requests their deletion or revokes the consent granted.

We will retain all information and communications relating to customers or the provision of our service for the duration of the warranties or responsibilities of our products or services, in order to address any potential claims.

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